June 2008 Archives
Polk County Emergency Management sent out a notice to the news media today, with the following warning:
Update: Clive After Five has been cancelled for tonight.
The Polk County Emergency Management Agency is asking for increased vigilance as an approaching cold front could impact the area this afternoon and evening. This is of special concern because of several large outdoor social events scheduled across the Metro Area this afternoon and evening.They're talking, of course, about the Des Moines Arts Festival, Clive After Five, Urbandale Friday Fest, Fridays at the Fountain, and the Iowa Cubs (playing Albuquerque at 5:05). Because, as we've all heard, there's "nothing to do" around here.
Update: Clive After Five has been cancelled for tonight.

For an up-close view of the floodwaters as they hit Des Moines a week ago, check out these excellent amateur shots of the city, right in the thick of it.
Obviously, the flooding and evacuations in Des Moines have been bad news, but judging from the photos, Cedar Rapids and Iowa City appear to have gotten it much worse. Iowa City is in far worse shape than in 1993, which at the time was thought to be the worst of all possible scenarios. Eastern Iowa has been losing power plants (in Iowa City and in Vinton), and even though the floodwaters are falling around Iowa's second city, drinking-water supplies are at risk. Des Moines, by comparison, has had some levee breaches and localized flooding, but the overall effects seem to be more limited than in I-380 corridor.
Those wishing to help from out of town ought to consult the Des Moines-area Red Cross and United Way.
Those wishing to help from out of town ought to consult the Des Moines-area Red Cross and United Way.